World languages

L'antisémistime dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Lesson to make students reflect on how antisemitism is portrayed in the film Au Revoir Les Enfants (Louis Malle) The Powerpoints not only gives them ideas but prompt them to reflect and to eventually come up with an essay plan.

L'importance du titre du film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation/lesson on “Analysez l’importance du film Au Revoir Les Enfants” The presentation contains many questions to develop students’ ideas and key points to develop and analyse this topic. Also, it prompts students to organise ideas in a well-structured essay.

L'importance des personnages secondaires dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation/lesson with key questions, ideas, scenes, quotes on the topic of secondary characters in Au Revoir Les Enfants of Louis Malle.

L'importance des lieux dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation to work on the essay title “Où se passe l’action de l’œuvre que vous avez étudiée ? Croyez-vous que cet aspect de l’œuvre soit bien illustré par l’auteur ou le directeur ? Justifiez votre réponse.” This is worth a full lesson. Several activities to have students discuss the importance of social class in the film, give students ideas with concrete scenes and examples, and have them come up with an essay/essay plan by the end of the lesson.

La division dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation / lesson on the topic of division in the film. The presentation contains a lot of questions and ideas that lead to an essay plan. Great to foster students’ reflection.

Les loisirs dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation to work on the essay title “Quel est le rôle et l’importance des loisirs dans le film « Au Revoir Les Enfants? »” This is worth a full lesson. Several activities to have students discuss the importance of leisure in the film, give students ideas with concrete scenes and examples, and have them come up with an essay/essay plan by the end of the lesson.

La jeunesse dans le film La Haine de Matthieu Kassovitz
Ideas, quotes, possible plan for an essay on the theme of youth in the film La Haine from Matthieu Kassovitz.

IB DP - Partage de la planète - le droit animal
Lesson on animal rights aimed for IB students (sharing of the planet)
Range of activities to develop reading, listening, speaking and writing. Answers are provided as well as external links.
14 slides to develop thinking skills, debates, language (ie. subjunctive, vocab, grammar)

Le rôle et l'importance des femmes dans Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Powerpoint presentation to make people reflect on the “Le rôle et l’importance des femmes dans Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle” Loads of ideas for students to take and write an essay on the topic.

La réalisation/l'aspect cinématographique du film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Lesson with questions and ideas for an essay on the cinematographic aspect of the film Au Revoir Les Enfants (colours, sound, shots, etc.) Prompting students to reflect and produce an essay plan at the end. Includes a mindmap to brainstorm ideas prior to or during lesson.

L'enfance dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Whole lesson presentation on the topic of childhood in the film Au Revoir Les Enfants by Louis Malle. The presentation contains ideas to prompts students’ reflexion on the topic. Lots of ideas and keys scenes and quotes plus a possible essay plan.

L'importance du milieu social dans Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation to work on the essay title “Quelles SONT la représentation et l’importance du milieu social dans LE FILM « Au Revoir Les Enfants? »” This is worth a full lesson. Several activities to have students discuss the importance of social class in the film, give students ideas with concrete scenes and examples, and have them come up with an essay/essay plan by the end of the lesson.

Au Revoir Les Enfants - modèle d'introduction, titres et thèmes d'essais, idées clés
Au Revoir Les Enfants - modèle d'introduction, titres et thèmes d'essais, idées clés

IB DP French B - identité (santé et bien-être)
Lessons containing IB Language B exam-style listening, reading, speaking and writing (le tract, le questionnaire) activities based on health (le nutriscore, le véganisme) with answers in the presentation.

IB DP French B - ERASMUS & le film L'auberge espagnole (expérience/identité/org. sociale)
IB DP unit of lesson on ERASMUS and the impact of the film L’Auberge Espagnole with exam-style reading comprehension on the film l’auberge espagnole (with answers), and prompts for speaking activities.

IB DP French B - expériences (les traditions)
Unit of work for the IB DP with exam-style exercises exploring leisure, traveling and traditions (the Alost Carnival & corrida) with listening, reading, speaking and writing exercises (with answers)

Year 12 Scheme of Work for AQA
Year 12 Scheme of Work for AQA (using Oxford Press textbook but could be adapted for other textbooks)

La journée internationale de la francophonie (20 mars) / why speak French?
3 excellent documents to promote French in school:
Famous French speakers around the world (displays)
Lesson presentation to promote Internation Day of Francophonie (20th March) - ideal for lesson or tutor time
Famous French speakers by subjects to promote French across all departments (posters)

Year 13 Scheme of Work for AQA
Year 13 Scheme of Work for AQA - using AQA Hodder textbook but could be adapted to other textbooks

IB DP - Expérience (immigration, multiculturalisme)
Set of full lessons on immigration policies, experiences and multiculturalism.
This includes reading, listening, writing and speaking exercises. All lessons are organised in one Presentation accompanied by worksheets - all included with answers.
Sub-topics are:
expat VS immigré
l’expérience de migration en Méditérannée notamment
les idées reçues sur l’immigration
l’histoire de la colonisation et décolonisation du Maghreb
l’immigration en France et en Europe
la politique d’immigration en France
l’identité française
le modèle républicain d’intégration VS le modèle multiculturel canadien
les problèmes d’intégration aux Canada avec les Premières Nations et les Québecois